Among all forms of body modification readily available in recent times, tattooing and piercing has acquired most popularity. While both can enhance outer appearance and help a person rebel against conventional notions of society, the former can also be utilised to highlight significant aspects of character, express suppressed emotions, and honour a deceased family member, friend, or famous personality. If you are planning on indulging in any of the procedure stated above, implement below-mentioned tips, thus, endure associated pain seamlessly.
1. Learn about areas that hurt most :
Avoiding areas that hurt most obviously seems viable. As per research, if you have low tolerance level, do not pierce daith or cartilage present in inner ear, conch where the ornament is passed through shell of ear, nipples, and tongue. In case of tattoos, body parts to stay away from include ribcage, head, elbow, knee, ankle, finger, armpit, outer shoulder, etc.
2. Eat a full meal and drink enough water :
According to professionals offering services in Gold Coast tattoo studio, staying hydrated would keep skin moist, thus, allowing needle to penetrate without any hassle. Also eat a full meal because getting inked or pierced on an empty stomach is outright miserable. Many customers have admitted fainting.
3. Stay Sober :
Never show up for a session drunk because decisions made when intoxicated often pave way for lifelong regrets. Also alcohol thins blood to a great extent, thus, unfortunately increases chance of haemorrhage.
4. Invest in Meditational Tactics :
Meditation has helped many people manage pain, no matter how severe it is. All you need to do is imagine and transport yourself into a happy place, be it on top of a mountain peak, near ocean, or your grandparents’ house. Many studies have effectually manifested that human brain would not transmit signals of pain if it is compelled to think about something else.
5. Distract :
Although it is easier said than done, most specialists performing body piercing Surfers Paradise ask their clients to distract themselves as much as possible. Obsessing over pain makes it worse. You can play games, watch funny videos, listen to soothing music, etc.
6. “Bite the Bullet” :
Finally, yet importantly, try adhering to the said exceptionally popular adage. If you want a breathtaking body art or piercing, thus, captivate attention of nearly everyone, make sure to handle the agony bravely.
Apart from tips stated above, you might not feel any discomfort if etching designs or putting on jewellery from a proficient, experienced, and credible practitioner. I personally consider Celebrity Ink™, the biggest tattoo brand in the world, which also provides quality piercing services, best. Each artist working here assures to generate optimal outcome within short period, and maintains hygiene under all circumstances. Now isn’t that absolutely great?